Is this one of the most spectacular WEDDING CAKES you have ever seen? If you want to see more go to Shelliewarren.com her blog is on this sidebar and her newest blogging is on her neighbors cake making business...I commented to this cake designer that our customers will become her newest best friend. Thanks for sharing Shellie, I love to see what artists can do to make our world more special. And like shellie mentioned check out the cake portfolio, you'll be stunned and excited and it will turn your imagination wild...this cake designer/maker is unbelievable.
Also check out www.shelliewarrenart.com you will love her abstract way of art.
Wow! Now that is a cake! I will check Shellie's blog once again... PS Brenda, what are you doing up at 0245??? Julie
funny Julie, I was sneezing my head off, we worked outside most of the day and its my hayfever season...didnt want to wake carl until a pill kicked in.
Julie did you see the harley davidson cake...jack would go nuts along with alot of other men I know!
Hi Brenda, I went back in and looked at the Harley cake and showed Jack... he will never be happy with my little cakes again!!! Julie PS Shellie's blog is sooo cute! I love that she loves Halloween so much too!
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