Selling a wonderful antique bed that has been made into a bench. The workmanship is to perfection. Bed from the early 1900's possibly. Painted white except for the storage bench. Can use a final coating of paint to match your preference. Which will be the buyers responsibility unless you chose to have us paint for you.
Measurements: Bed/bench itself: 56" high, 54 1/2" wide and 27 1/2" deep
Bench's storage box: 5 1/2" high.
Note: because this is in the West Haven area there will be a delivery fee if you have no means of pick-up. Will be reasonable. We will not be bringing it into the shop for obvious "space" reasons".
If you are interested please email me at www.justabedofroses@hotmail.com or call: 801-628-0890 my cell.
Price is 695.00 plus delivery if needed. This bed is a treasure! The above blog with the childs bench will follow the same procedures in buying.
The boarder and header are so dang cute, I'm sooooo glad you did this. You are Miss Halloween aren't you.
Your bench/bed is amazing. I can see it all made up and how darling it will be.
Your site will be so fun to visit. I still am unable to get into mine from your link.
I believe you have it cindysstitches-n-stuff.blogspot.com
Why don't we just go to numbers, it would be much easier.
That is a stunning antique. I would love to see the child bench too. I'll check back for photos.
p.s. Very fun new blog look you have for fall. Change is exciting.
Hi Brenda, wow, your new blog look is adorable! I haven't heard from you... were you keeping this a big secret??? It is too cute! I missed seeing you at your shop, but got alot of fun things the other day... Julie
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