Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Backyard camping & Patience

Being at the shop today I missed studio 5 at 11:00 a.m. so alisa Bangerter reminded me that all you do is go to and click on studio 5.I just type in her name and it pulls up her last segment...(and the others) I did just that...and viewed her segment on Backyard camping she did today, she makes it sound so fun ALMOST wished my kids were still at home.

Then I typed a man I love and adore and its Matt Townsend a relationship coach, just typed in his name and his chat was about his sense of humor as he talks about how to live life more productivly. Nothing phoney, just tells it like it is. Remember he has a super busy life and 6 children and I cant imagine the relationship problems HE has to hear all day. good thing he knows how to help people solve them. He's the best!

Hope you have a chance to watch studio 5 when you are home, if not just type it in.

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