Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things are JUST ROSIE around here...

Your favorite roses ribbon is in and we have a new color of green, I thought chocolate rose ribbon was coming, it didn't. Just thought you would love to know!

Isn't this weather so typical for when the Weber county fair is? Wind and lightning storms. Hold onto your cowboy hats out there!


  1. Brenda, I want some of that. The cream. I'll call you tomorrow.

    cindy g

  2. Yes Brenda, this weather is awful! Farmers Market was so sad today, all the booths blowing down...Let me know when you get chocolate ribbon in please...

  3. Can you believe this wind? My allergies are terrible. Enjoyed my little visit to your shop today. Picked up the where women create and a few other goodies. Wish I wasn't on a spending freeze. (helping out the kids financially) Thinking about getting a job so I can do a better job at shopping! Mimi


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