Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today while the shutters were being cut...

While the shutters were being cut today this paris tapestry in an antique frame was being embellished with a vintage cameo & rhinestone piece, little black diamonds and I may be right or wrong, but I believe the lace is vintage tatting.Lovely piece will be coming to the shop on Wednesday!

And more Jewelry wearing straw hats & colored antique bottles to pick from...


  1. Ok, I must get out there as soon as I can! I love the bottles and what you have done with the old Paris picture...

  2. I love what they did to that picture. I also love your bottles, I need to buy the stuff from you to do that to my antic plum bottles.

    have a great day,


  3. Whenever I go on vacation I am always worried what I'm going to miss at your shop. I will definately be in to see. Love those vintage bottles. Hope you will still have some.


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