Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas came early

 Today...being a rare ice storm and then 6" or more of heavy snow on top of lots of icy rain.

 My daughters husband is a geriatric dr. and they take Christmas to patients with no families...I sacked up
Christmas decor that didn't sell last year so that they may have some merry and bright Christmas presents to cheer their room up.
You could stop into any nursing home with a package of something, I'm sure the staff could direct you to
just the right person that needs you. If you can sing...wouldn't that be extra nice to carol to the patients.

Christmas came early for me today...because Carl needed his Christmas present today, it was only 
fitting I received mine.  My kitchen walls are green like the new pillows.

 Yesterday shopping at R.C.Willys for our last time before Carl does his full retirement process I discovered
this set and impulsively purchased it...SO we decided it was time to not wait till death do us part, rig

 I think it will be fun for a's a little round drop leaf.

 Purchased this could I not bring it home!
Merry Christmas to ME!
Ahhh... your thinking what did HE GET?
Well...he WANTED a snow blower...can you believe we  have been married for 40 1/2 yrs and never
had a snow blower. (we use tractors out here in the country).

Today I thought of my grandma and grandpa Shepherd when I found this photo digging through a drawer, they are in their garden in Payson, it was their pride and joy and so was Christmas.
 I was thinking how us many cousins would crowd into their tiny front room all gathered around their tall to the ceiling real Christmas tree...with red shiny brites clustered all up and down the center. Grandpa would hand out the presents to each of us...I tried to think of what they gave us, but I just cannot remember. One year we did get a silver dollar. My aunts and uncles had lots of children, we had the smallest family of 5, while they had 7-9 children each. Someone was always pregnant or holding a baby! I don't think there was a spot of carpet that could be seen with all of us in that room.
Good memories!

It's nice to have SNOW DAYS...unless you were going to the AIRPORT!!!

see you friday and saturday...

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