Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Day balancing

 What grandma and grandpa  doesn't love handprint ornaments from 2 and 5 yr old grands?

 and family photo's to pass by during the day to make us smile?

Happy children

 My presents this year all remind me of my new " live by" word this year "BALANCE"

Being shopkeeper these 7 years have thrown me off balance, although I really tried to balance it was like a new born baby!  It's kind of like that feeling you get at Christmas time when you want to do something other than prepare for Christmas but you can't because you feel this nagging at your mind you need to be doing more, and there is always a new holiday lurking. That's shopkeeping...24/7 whether the shop is open/closed. Not really complaining, just glad to close this chapter, to start a new.

 From Joni...would you expect anything less from her, she is witty and knows how to
present a gift. We are all going to miss Joni's talent...because "whenever" we wanted we could pop into the shop and enjoy her works of art. We will REALLY REALLY miss this.

 Treats baked from the grandgirls, now lets see, did I even share them with grandpa?

 My youngest son gave us all caps from Copper creek...only mine's in PINK!
Does this mean I am destined to go fishing??? (starting my excuse list).

 Fish fry today...from generous brother in law next door who loves to ice fish. life from the comforts of home...really looking forward to enjoying HOME.

Spirituality...reading, studying, learning, being more of service.

 Antique plant stand we purchased at a recent estate sale, we gave each other for Christmas.
Aren't the turned decorative legs so pretty. Carl was quick to grab this, so glad he did.

 Pearl Yeh's natural face and body scrub...looking forward to my more natural lifestyle.
Lots more to learn. do. and share. my favorite grocery store, can't wait!

 My daughters friend in Colorado has an alpaca farm...he is very artistic...she presented me with this absolutely stunning scarf from alpaca, every inch is a work of art, I feel like hanging it on the wall or something it's so fabulous. 

 Best of dad made it another Christmas. 
He was passing out handmade rock jewerly to everyone who came for Christmas dinner.
He will be a part of my Balancing act...he wants to be on the go!
I think he will be 88 in several weeks. Fingers crossed he behaves himself.

 I hope you too are enjoying your Christmas gifts from Santa and those who love you. We went to each of our childrens homes to see what santa had brought. So sorry my camera went dead at our daughters.

TEACHER  TEACHER Kennedi...can I write on the chalkboard?

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