Sunday, November 3, 2013

Crazy quilt made from 2 of Acorn was so much fun Saturday seeing so many customers of just a bed of roses come to the Acorn antique/vintage holiday show. I hope you had as much fun as we did. The last hour of the day finally we caught our breath, ate a corn dog on the run and I sat down briefly, but was afraid I may not be able to get back up! Mr. Roses, well, he too had alot of fun. He just may enjoy his retirement. Remember I get twice the man now and 1/2 the income!  

It was a very well attended show...and Heidi Wilcox the show producer is a hard worker and has a husband and family of boys that are exceptional in all working together. Acorn was started by her Mother Georgia who has since passed on. Georgia would be happy. And Heidi brings the most amazing metal. rusty, wooden things, they just fly right out the door.

We love to collect and sell!

We love to see who will buy the items that we collect.
sometimes we know ahead of time who will buy what...
and then we get suprised with our new customers and learn what they love...thus our addiction to search out "more" antique vintage items pushes us out the door to collect more!

we also love to see what YOU have found that the other vendors have offered. They too are dedicated to finding just the right stuff. And we Love YOU new customers, hope to see you again. If you'll keep checking this blog you'll find out what we are up to next.

I took my camera...but didn't take even one minute to take photo's. I did find a beauty to bring home, she has a name.
I will post monday. 

Today, the acorn antique show will be a bit slower, the booths are about 1/2 the amount in them, so there is a more relaxed atmosphere. Vendors will bring in some more odds and MAY find that prices will be lowered a bit more as the day goes on...since it could be raining and no one wants to haul their stuff back home.
(now this is my opinion, not fact, okay).

See you soon...and remember the shop is closed until Nov. 15 when we re-open for Christmas. Then we will be open everyday new hours: 10-6  closed sundays. We want this to be a neat ending to our 7 years there. 

crazy quilt made from old ties is still available. 135.00

1 comment:

  1. It was nice to see you at the show yesterday! I went to Hobby Lobby afterward and there was a woman there buying burlap and other fabric. She was telling the clerk that she got the idea of this adorable stocking from "Just a Bed of Roses". Small world. :)



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