Monday, November 4, 2013

Airplane staring down my driveway...sunday morning.

 I'm standing in my driveway Sunday morning...and this is what is looking at me...a small airplane in the field across the street. Now the night before, we came home in the dark from the Antique show and heard there was an airplane in the field and all was well. Of course it brought the crowds and the emergency vehicles, which we mostly missed. Remember it was dark and we were we didn't think that much more about it...

 It took me off guard when I saw it FACING MY DRIVEWAY head on...geeeeezzzzzzzz! What if...and I don't even want to go there. Because I know lightning strikes homes, like it did Joni's in August...and I know airplanes hit homes. We just don't want it to be ours, do we.It's just too much trouble.
 I was really thankful for that onion field across the street. The airplane had engine failure and was heading south to the Hinckley airport in roy...when he spotted the just harvested field. Glad no one was hurt. 

 On the bright is my "new find" from the Acorn antique show...this came from a sweet charming vendor  from Minnesota. Her shop name is Minnie Van Winkles...         and she told me the story of how full her vehicle was one day out hunting...and said I cannot fit another thing in it...when she found this beauty. And you know how it goes from there...we tell the passenger to call a cab or get real skinny because these things are squeezing in, right!

I'm so glad she did! 
She kept calling it a I said well, did you name her?
She said no, but you could call her Minnie, from Minnesota, and her last name the shop name Van Winkle, (and besides I love disneyland, minnie mouse).
So...her name is: Minnie Van easy was that!
And I love her.

 Here you can see it has original labels and I just love that it's got such nice golden patina and it's all original. Antique shows just have the best feelings inside of them. Nostalgia, childhood memories, grandparent remembrances and we want to buy it to have it around us. It makes us feel good. It connects us to our past. And there is QUALITY...which is so missing in todays products, so very sad.

My goodness we heard the BEST stories. So many of you shared such neat reasons why you were buying certain pieces. One of my favorites is when a man came in and saw our red and blue scooter...and he was just in high heaven, couldn't get his money out fast enough, he talked on and on about how he use to ride one just like it. 

There was a new booth there, think it was something like "the little red wagon" from reno. They had the sweetest stuff, they collect and sell childhood toys, books, anything children related from the past. What a joy to walk into their space. They had such a love for their offerings. Hopefully they will be back to the next show Feb. 15-16th.

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