Friday, June 8, 2012

Farm chicks part 2, oh where to start!

Oh, where to start!

Part 2 Farm chicks adventure:

Last years trip we had no GPS.
This made all the difference!

A day trip to Idaho's Coeur d'Alene
was just spectacularly beautiful, hills of
pine trees and beautiful pristine lakes.
A town filled with many shops and a  beautiful waterfront resort.

If I love a place the conversation usually goes like this: "Let's move here" I suggest.
He states "you won't like it here it's too gray of weather." Me..."well then, when you
retire can we come stay for a month?"
Him...with a puzzled look..."well, maybe 2-3 know we have a big garden and yard to keep up with and you do own a shop.
 Does he have to spoil my brilliant aspirations with reality?

Standing outside of Mary Janes farm shop
filled with farmstyle home decor and comfy
style bed linens and spreads.
(i did ask permission for photo and blogging)

Delightful and right by the waterfront resort

Wiggett's Marketplace 115 S. 4th st.also by the waterfront resort.
Have to say it's one of my favorite antique
shops of all times.
Here is why:
When you walk in you are greeted by everyone, they are busily working away and happy with their products and customers.
Old wood creaky floors and stairs.
There is a smell of popcorn, you can bag some and eat as you shop, wow, really!
A cold pop machine catches you at the door
and you may drink your cola as you shop.
Do you love it now enough to go there!
4 floors of any kind of collection you could even wrap your mind around...that means
you'll need two cola's.
It's so hard to pull yourself out the door to leave.
This is why anywhere I went Wiggets was
suggested as a destination.

An hour from there is a wonderful ride
to Sandpoint. We had time to find The Pie
Hut, learned about it from Deb Thompson the only Utah
couple we saw at Farm chicks.
Of course Deb has to be within the first
12 chicks to get into the show! lol~
She loves farm chicks and her husband
loves taking her.

Mine...german chocolate

His...Raspberry and icecream

Next door a good antique shop.
Want to go back to Sandpoint and find more.

PINK is in Spokane
vintage salvage goods
Very large, big items, 7 women run this
place that is 1 year old now.
You will see things you haven't seen before.
I found Julie M. the work pink in metal lettering right here.

They have fun with displaying everywhere.
The front window had a french couch suspended with tree branches growing through.

And here I found this vintage heavy cardboard dress form.
for my day.

Some of them create too and some just hunt,
they own other business' besides PINK.
Cement walls and floors, Industrial, they have it all.
The NICEST shopkeeper I met does the sewing, I bought one of her aprons made from a vintage tablecloth.

Chaps is a popular place you hear about to have a meal or they have great oatmeal for breakfast and a unique experience of an
eclectic nature. Not only is the owner talented, she will help seat you and serve you, I found her warm and full of hospitality.
Here is the website to see their menu. on cheney road.

We found the dinner bland and have read reviews of the same.
Just being honest here.
But you should go anyway.

Restroom doors:


Tall ceilings adorned with lettering
and so much more.

They too had a bakery
chocolate mousse...very good, we shared.

Outside dining sported an old truck, making a
fun atmosphere for guests.
eclectic and hospitality would be my describing words.

Before leaving for home we walked the falls
and ate at Anthonys seafood...

There isn't anything you wouldn't love eating
at this place.

This is just a sampling and not even in order
of some things to do in spokane valley.
Hope one day you can go enjoy this
beautiful country.
please keep in mind I wasn't there to take alot of photo's, I was just too busy enjoying
our get away.
I really felt like we do live in a desert
after being up there...
rainy, green, big blue skies, 
with big huge farm grounds and pine mountains.

I'll be back and show you
things we couldn't live without.


  1. It was so fun to see you at The Farm Chicks Show and Pink Vintage!!! I'm so glad that you made it to Chaps, Mary Jane's Farm Store, The Pie Hut, etc. I'm like you, I just love that area... I look forward to every June. I'm so glad that you showed me your dress form, I got the other one and I just love it....

  2. It was so fun to meet up at the Farm Chicks Show and Pink Vintage!!! I'm so glad that you made it to Mary Janes Farm Store, The Pie Hut, Chaps, etc.... I'm like you I love this area... I look forward to going there every June... I ended up getting the other dress form like yours.... I love it...


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