Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Find what you love... Farm chicks/spokane Part 1

Farm chicks in Spokane is an annual
antique show put on by Serena
250 spaces are filled
divided up into 4 large bays at the
spokane fairgrounds.

We were fortunate to get "early in" tickets
which is 8:30 an hour and 1/2 before the 10:00 buyers come in, it also lets you in
the next day.

Spokane weather was being itself...rainy!
We got wet and cold.
I met a new friend Gerri so that
helped pass the time in a hurry.
There were suppose to be 500 in the early buyer line.

I'll show just a few photo's of booths,
otherwise you can google or something to find
amazing booth pictures, I was much to focused on digging for antiques.
There are unusual backdrops, this one was
pillowcases sewn together in rows.

Artsy jewelry by lisa souers designs. no commercial items are allowed, that's what I
do love about this show.
Not much in the handmade catagory either.

One of our favorite vendors is an older couple, he sits there taking the money and is so funny about his energetic hoarder of a wife. We love their stuff too.
He'll say "she is just a down right hoarder".
And I hug her and thank her, cause there is
nothing I love more...than a true blue real hoarder!

Many lights of utilitarian/industial style
made from many found objects were really
fun and inspiring.

In the main room are these many tables
stacked and I mean stacked to rummage through. I did not partake of this event.
For one, they were not priced and second the
tablecloths were very worn and I like them
more crisp and not stained.
This was the second day so can you imagine
what was there the first day!

take a close look at these brown rusted
metal lockers, they go up each side and
across the top.
I'll be faster next year.

it's a happy time for us seeing what the
vendors have to offer us!

Mr. roses had no problem being on his
own to do his hunting, this requires no guns.
Our cell phones came in handy every now and"where are you," or "you have to come and see this."

"Find what you love"
was this years theme.

When you walk in there is a grand display using the theme.
I am not fond at all about this one
and that's all I'm going to say about that.

I will do a seperate blog on what I
could not live without...stay tuned.

Pink chippy metal flamingo planter
is our favorite find.
I told Mr. roses it could watch over
him in his garden.

I saw this tucked in the booth we had just purchased many things from, I said "whoa, look at this cutie, I'm pretty sure I cannot walk away from it" and I put on my hopeful wishing smiley face.
He said...well, get it then!
He could have sold it all the way out to the truck.

I should have hired security to watch it.

I hugged the lady at least ten times in two
days for bringing it to sell.
she said "Oh it was just sitting behind my
shed and I decided its time to let it go".

thank you pink flamingo lady!

This is not our truck but this one was being loaded and tied down just as we were doing the same and looked very similar.
I'm pretty sure she tried to buy up all the
lawn chairs, but didn't succeed.

The second day found us back to see what we
had missed and this was all, considering the
first day was the truck load.
Here mr. roses thinks I am still inside shopping, and I was really at the front door ready to go eat.

Patient man he is.

He also made me buy this shopping cart at one of the antique malls in sandhill the day
before. I fought it because it was not antique nor was it adorned in vintage fabric.
And how could I stand there at the famous
Farm chicks with none the less?

He won.
glad about it though. 

Serena is an excellent show promoter. 
Her vendors were just FUN and brought
the most wonderful merchandise to chose from.
It's a show where you need to bring
We never stopped once for food,drink or potty
break...there was just too much fun waiting
at the next booth for necessities!

will we be back again next year?
You betcha...and Yee Haw!

this is part 1

Part 2 will be some fun places we
shopped and ate at in the area.

Thursday at the shop will be new vintage arrivals.

I am really under the weather this week, thanks to two men on the airplane from our last calif. trip, my daugher/her husband and I happen to be sandwiched inbetween their bronchitis coughings.
(stupid airplane germs.)

Joni will do a great job helping you with the new goods!
Happy hunting to YOU!

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