Thursday, December 31, 2009


Today I started my first New Years Eve Tradition of this nature...I have been reading and following  and posted it on my bloglist...Life with Jason Wright, reading Christmas Jars and Christmas Jars Reunion this holiday. You can stay motivated by following this blog all year. You can't help but be inspired to do one or more of these money jars.

First thing I did was empty out my purse the bottom I found my first contribution of $10.33 then each week I will again empty the bottom of my purse and happily add to the jar.

What's exciting is I will have no idea until the day I give this out to whom this is going to be a BLESSING to...or how much money will end up in this jar. What I love is I will be thinking of this person everyday with love and hoping I make the right decision to whom it goes to.
When this special day arrives I will give my jar filled with money, the vintage postcard that's framed 'to my friend' and the .com so they understand  what this is all about. In case they want to "pay it forward" when they are back on their feet.

I hope you too will read the blog and be inspired to put your spare change in a jar and be a blessing to someone in need for next Christmas. (I think...why wait until Christmas?) Let us know! It's always funner to do things together.
Remember it's all about ONE really can be a blessing to someone.

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