Wednesday, December 30, 2009

BAKING with the OLDIES ...

Previous post mentioned being SNOWED IN is proof! Our Vehicles got dug out about noon so I could get to Mini Mart for my Diet Coke fix. My daughter is the best shopper, she gave me these dotted boots along with some dk. brown uggs for Christmas (among other things, I know. she is very generous with me)...besides I have to wear what  matches the shop don't I?

This is how I the OLDIES or with the Oldies?

Some of you can remember these titles: Little Arrows & Cherish to name a few.

So for now this has been the extent of my Holiday baking...for real. Actually I was thinking these record bowls will be fun to theme up the store for the Romantic season coming soon...right after we get done with the New YEARS RESOLUTIONS season...which flies by quite fast, doesn't it?  Hey, would these be a  fun project for New years? I guess my idea of FUN could be much different than some!

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