Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shop talk...for this week

This week Just a bed of roses will be showing the NEW things coming in...sock monkey products have been shipped, new style giraffe purses & new style jewelry being shipped...vintage pieces of project jewelry and a little higher end vintage pieces arriving & priced hopefully by Tuesday.

Also a NEW shop not too far away which has General Store in its name, I will blog about on Tues/Wed! I have lots of days to work on projects this week. (that is the plan) And since 3 adorable shabby gals came in Saturday and "discovered" the lastest "oldies and goodies" I recently brought in and kindly took them home I need to re-invent! Check the blogs on the side, you can't miss who they are. I think I had as much fun as they did!
They also tried out Francisco's chocolate cake next door...can you believe he has been there for a year and 1/2 and I have never thought to try the chocolate cake, what's going on here?
Thanks for all customer support on Saturday Farmington Festival Days, sure do appreciate you!
Hours this week:
11-4:30 Mon. Tues. & Saturday Wed. Thurs.& Friday 11:00-5:30


  1. Still wanting to get an email to you! Ended up with a flash flu the end of the week...and business is booming!

  2. Glad your having a successful summer this year! Will email, have 3 days off soon.
    Sorry about the flu, flash flu, does that mean its a quick one?

  3. Brenda, next time you must go with us to get some chocolate cake, it was yummy! I can't wait to check out the vintage jewelry!

  4. I didn't get out of my jammies for most of last week. THIS week I'll be in for a little retail therapy. Mimi

  5. Thank you so much for such a fun shopping experience. We loved spending our afternoon with you!

    p.s. My favorite treasure is the little cream journal you created. I love it! It's on my blog.

  6. Brenda!! I have missed you - I can't wait to grab some coffee and catch up on your blog ~ I must savor each post while I read about your trip. Hoping you have a beautiful week ~ Sherri

  7. Sherri, you better grab 2 cups of coffee and stay awhile fact get some chocolate too! Missed you too, what have you got that I need? I need Halloween soon.


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