Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kellies new guardian angel...

Monarch Post is listed on the blogs on the right side of the shops blog, one of my favorites. Kelli consigns off and on and has had a trying year with her mother being very ill. Not just Kelli but her father, siblings and all her knew her. She passed away on Tuesday and left this picture of her sweet mother in her black and white picture taking days adorned in a hat and gloves. Kellie is from Farmington, I will speak for the shop and all its customers that you and your family have our sincerest sympathy. Forgive me for not seeing this sooner, I usually check your posts quite often and enjoy them so much. Kellies mother lived in Riverdale. Two of her sisters I have adored for years are: Jan Larou (spelled wrong I know, never could spell it righ) and Connie Horspool. Sorry for your loss sisters and God be with you until you meet again.


  1. So sad to lose a mom, I miss mine every day. Brenda, please give my sympathies to the family...What a beautiful lady she was.

  2. Forgive me Brenda... I haven't looked at any blogs till now. Thank you so much for this beautiful post. It means the world to me, and so do you my friend.

    Feeling a little more normal today, but it's been rough. Even the way things have been, and knowing this was coming, well nothing could have prepared me for the past two weeks.
    Love you,


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