Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Somerset LIFE...Beyond Spectacular!

The quarterly issue of Somerset Life came in...cover is Pure eye candy for the Valentine season on its way.
You must visit Andrea Singarellas's Collected Hearts and her webblog is: www.onehundredwishes.blogspot.com and my dear friends at www;makeminepink.com made it on a full impressive back cover...every home needs a needlepoint rescued and made into one of Sharon tuffets...www.cestchouettehome.com I have a few beauties myself,Sharon has helped me alot with the computer and the blogging world, she's the one who needs to wear the neclace that says "stop me before I volunteer again!
The front cover is Julie Collings work from springville Utah: www.theadventuresofbluegirlxo.blogspot.com I always look forward to what she has created with her odds and ends...always creative, congratulations for making the cover Julie, that's awesome and what a pleasant suprise!
This is how a dear friend years ago ,whom I never see...Joni Greenman...and "the most talented gal I know" wrote a Letter to the editor...read this and you will understand the impact these books have on us who love them. Joni is from Ogden and lives in a custom Victorian mansion she and her husband designed, geez, I would love to see her home again, its probably even more spectacular. If you were ever in the Ogden quilted bear the past 10 years, she was responsible for the outstanding display/and windows work...she displays BETTER than a magazine.
Here is her letter: It is with pure delight that I send my tender and abundant thankfulness to you!
Upon discovering Inspirations and Somerset Life in my mailbox, I chose a patch of lush green grass to sit upon, under a mature shade tree and slowly and deliberately removed the packaging rom the publications that I have highly anticipated for months.
The long moments that I spent pondering over each page turned into delightful and gentle afternoon hours...thank you ...for making my artful journey become a treasured milestone in my lilfe. Your editorial work is simply splendid and over the mountain top incredible. Every page is filled to the brim with a kind of unspoken loveliness that is soothing to the soul. Somerset Life is as if I had been invited into the most charming cottage of all and each thoughtful step throughout is an echo of the complete softness and cozines of life that I desire...Life is full of blessings, Joni Greenman
I told you it was inspiring... in fact, I don't know why Joni isn't on the staff of Somerset? I think I will email that famous Jo Packam and tell her she NEEDS JONI!
Of course...I NEED Joni...she was a treasured consignor in my last shop and her and I displayed and shared some booths at the Salt Lake and Ogden quilted bears in the 90's ,it was one of the funnest times... I was always in awe at her display work, she taught me how to stack and stack. She loves antiques and was Shabby chic before there was even a word for it.
I fell asleep with my copy of this book...great dreams...only I wanted to get up at midnight and start creating...my better half says I had another big day taking down christmas at the shop...so no late night creating!
Which reminds me...big sales at the shop and Christmas is 1/2 priced! Still new things arriving...today some Peace totes should be arriving along with some new dazzling jewelry. We are Open Friday/Sat after new years 10:30-4:30 Closed new years eve day and new years day.


  1. dear brenda,
    thank you for such sweet comments about the cover, it is such a fantastic issue. i just want to make sweet valentines all day today.
    happiest new year wishes, julie

  2. Save me a copy. I'll be down this afternoon! Mimi


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