Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas VACATION... what are you doing?

The only thing our Christmas came close to the show Christmas Vacation was the Christmas Lights...Santa COULD'NT have missed us as Steve had their place lit up MORE than the show...for some reason this man LOVES CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Why didn't I get you some pictures to see for proof? (I will next year!)
Christmas eve was our family having dinner and then spending the night all together waiting for Santa...the boys not so much beleivers...the girls to little to realize what was coming. Christmas Eve presents for the children were Sock monkeys almost as big as themselves and the girls got little sugar plum fairies.
Christmas morning the boys were up first...and of course needed to wake the girls up...after peeking and shaking their packages to see what Santa may have brought.
And the day was probably much like yours...lots of new gadgets to learn how to use, nice clothes to snuggle up in, gift certificates to spend, I got some new walking shoes and really happy about a new electric blanket. I'll spend alot of Christmas Vacation with it! Food, chocolates, movies and napping and more napping...and then the snow came.
Looks like I missed a picture of little children are not in the pictures as they would kill me, don't want to die on Christmas which reminds me... my ailing father was eating peanuts on Christmas eve as my sister was visiting, he started choking, couldnt breathe, son in law did the hymlic (spelling?)on him like 10 times before he could start breathing again, whew. All he's been through and saved so many times, many miracles and my sister was pleading with the lord, please don't let my father die from a peanut on Christmas Eve. So the Lord was good to us...hope he was good to all of you too and through your Christmas Vacation. Be safe, have fun!


  1. Merry Christmas Brenda! Looks like a wonderful day filled with family. Choking has always been a fear of mine and I'm glad things turned out well.

    I want to see those lights next year. Sounds amazing.

  2. Brenda ~ the kids are as cute as can be !! I love the pictures ~

  3. I LOVE the giant sock monkey! How neat! And the! You all keep out there, you hear?? I want daffodils...yep, hope springs eternal!
    Susan *dutchrose*

  4. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Your grandkids are almost as cute as mine. Mimi


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