Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Where Women Create...Beyond spectacular, its in!!

Okay, the book we have been waiting for all year is here today...its a must have for the collector of this new quarterly book. I was so busy at work yesterday I could only peek, so my goal today is to check it out thoroughly!!! They are 14.99 and I may have not bought enough.

Here is a sneak peek at a few: http://www.castleintheair.biz/ and http://www.kristenrobinson.typepad.com/ and www.jennydoh.typepad.comI have only had 10 minutes of peeking and I'm shaking already...you will wear this book out before the next issue comes out. Oh these are women of my own heart, and such stories to tell!
You will be inspired beyond your wildest imagination for sure. Boy am I glad its raining outside and there is no guilt from not being out there painting pieces, yard work etc. on my day off. I do have to buy a nice dress today for a humanitarian dinner this week-end though..MUST!

The shop will be open now on MONDAYS thru Christmas...I have been going down there for the past 6 weeks and working to get caught up ( possible?) and its always busy, so that's a sign to Mrs. Bed of Roses to open shop on Mondays. Probably not in the cold winter months though, I am not fond of driving in snow storms.
Halloween is gone...well almost...and Christmas is popping up all over, with more coming. Today I will be undigging estate dishes I have held onto for the Christmas season ...of course to bring into the shop. Also I should become a bit cranky...I'm starting a weight loss program...Oh No!

1 comment:

  1. OK I hope you have one left cause I'll be in tomorrow for my copy!! Mimi


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