Sunday, November 2, 2008

Unique about this Halloween Season

Whats unique about this Halloween season is that not only HALLOWEEN being Friday night, many parties and dances were still being held Saturday evening. My adult children were having a Halloween party at a friends...I have pictures of them all...they were ALL a bit naughty...Shellie a naughty nun, Bryce quite a flashy pimp... his wife a sexy youngest son Wendy from wendys hamburgers... there was more!!! don't know if I will or can show them...hmmmm!

I CAN SHOW you some bone bread stix that Shellie made for appetizers and a Halloween dinner that was unique and fun on Friday night she made for us before trick or treating. And the creative pumpkins her boys carved and took to school for a contest. I love to be inspired by others creativity...hope you do too. Plus will share my newest grandbaby Kennedi in her Tootsie roll costume, you wont beleive her hair.
There was something I thought was really special and touching on Halloween...if you know of Mary Ellen Smoot, a former general relief society President, my grandchildren went to her home and invited all children inside for icecream...she is not a young gal anymore...and I thought how memorable for them And when these children are daydreaming about Halloween night they will fondly remember going in for icecream, attention and love. Thats why they call her grandma Smoot...they know her love to them. How could I be jealous when there is always room for one more grandma to love the children.
Isnt it cute to see the children come home with their candy and spread it granddaughters did that and then just rolled in it, very funny. They didnt care about alot of candy, just having the fun of knocking on the door a few times was good enough.
I know you have your special memories too of now its time to wrap them up in our memories and keep them close to your hearts.
Pictures coming soon. It just will not let me post them tonight,weird.

1 comment:

  1. You can never have too many grandmas. That's my motto. What a sweet thing for Sis. Smoot to do. Think of the extra work! Must do better! Mimi


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