Sunday, October 19, 2008

Resting up a minute from Disneyworld vacation...

Oh dear...this picture is upside down...turn your head sideways and you can read the invitation that was awaiting at Shellies door when we returned. It's a bloody finger in a fancy black box inviting them to a Haunted Hollywood Halloween party...doesnt that sound creative...ohhhh I cant wait to hear how it turns out, I will pass on some party ideas okay!

Can you see why I HAD to have THESE Mickey Mouse ears!

Saturday was a beautiful autumn day down here in Farmington, so fun to see and hear customers and hear about their HALLOWEEN activities and UEA weekend fun. Everyones getting their costumes pulled together. I saw some really neat ones at the "not so scarey" Disneyworld parade...grave diggers...corpse bride and grooms, lots of princess' and families in hippie outfits...way cool ideas.

Because it's time for putting up Christmas next week, taxes due too ...the shop will have a sale of 25% off Halloween until its gone and if there is something in shop that must go in order to fit Santas, snowmen , wreaths etc then we will do some wheelin' and dealin' okay!
Besides while I was enjoying the very sunny Florida weather...the shops storage room got to leaking and the roof was ready to cave Alayna brought extra merchandise into the shop to keep it safe.
We now have a new roof, and need a new ceiling in back room... very thankful and glad its not worse, could of been in the shop I suppose (well, we dealt with that the week before). Remember me blogging about the psychic saying something heavy over my shop and to have things checked out...well the Landlord beleives me now as he had to remove some HEAVY snow from the old old roof. These old buildings are quaint...BUT!
Speaking of very thankful...I cant thank Elayna and her parents for being so helpful when the snow came and saved the merchandise in the freezing cold. Lisa too for her hard work and supervision all week and for calling me even though I'm sure she didnt want to bother me. I have the best team. Thanks a million everyone.
Can't beleive I am talking Christmas , werent we just trick or treatin in Disneyworld?
Later...must rest (oh and cook plus do laundry). Too bad vacations have to end.


  1. Aren't vacations WONDERFUL! But I think it's good that they end because if you're on vacation all the time then doesn't a vacation become our real life? And then do you go to work for a vacation? LOL!

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. I like to go too but there's no place like home...Mimi

  3. Brenda ~ I love those Mickey ears !! I didn't see those at all when we were there ~ I think we must have just passed each other ~ I think we left when you were getting there ~
    Gotta love Disneyworld !


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