Friday, October 10, 2008

Deer Hunt Week-end SALE

Lots of Halloween gifts and decor, many with the vintage look you love...You'll have to come visit and see for yourself...since this computer is being tempermental about letting me add picures.

It's the deer hunt that means its time for a sale...SO... all store merchandise is 10% off and Lisa has the go ahead to mark some purses, Halloween and other odds and ends 20% off.
We will have the same sale for next Friday and Saturday since it's the UEA week-end! So many events coming up for October isnt there?
Behind the scenes here at Just a Bed of Roses we are unpacking Christmas boxes like crazy...they will make their debut the last week of October...coming toooooo soon! SCAREY!!!


  1. We've been gone for a week. Went on a cruise to sunny Mexico. Trying to catch up and adjust to the cold weather. I'll be coming in to see your wonderful sale this weekend. Mimi

  2. I wish I could be there to see all of your new goodies! I love Halloween decorations. :)

    Jenni B


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