Sunday, September 13, 2015

# ONE coming this Saturday's shopette!

One day event coming this saturday (September 19th) will be all about the #one. It's my number to play with this let's begin:

One table: free stuff, loaded
One table: $1.00 each will be loaded up
One table: $5.00 table good deals including PYREX
One table: linens all one price
One table: glassware one price
One table: vintage fleamarket goods priced individually
One room: shopette will be restocked, it also has some halloween and christmas. all vintage, vintage style and some new primitives.

one mirror
one chair
one frame
one wheelbarrow
one chalkboard
one globe

and ONE DOLLAR off you entire purchase
(couldn't resist)

You got the idea!

This will be on a scale of 1/4 of the big yard sale last week.
That way neither one of us will be overwhelmed! agree!

Mr.Roses will bottle his tomato's this week and I will sort for the ONE DAY SALE for this saturday...thinking 9-5

and now I need to sleep off last weeks event, 2 weddings and recover from my trip (the hard fall on the cement I took, may need a good massage).

join us on facebook:  brenda klomp
I'm on instagram under just a bed of roses, but I rarely post.

2037 s. 2700 w.
west haven, utah

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