Back to school already? Our family celebrated our "Back to school"'s a good thing they all LOVE to cook. Carl made his famous potatoe salad and cucumbers/tomatoes/green pepper salad, Bryce showed us how to fry up egg plant,just dip in a beaten egg and cover with dixie fry mix, fry them up.
Then out to swim & hot we could burn off some big calories for indulging with the sinfully delicious cake Shellie made for us. Recipe and pictures below.
Good luck moms & dads in the morning...Come in and shop for fall this week...I will be posting some temptations!
A man that cooks and loves to refinish and garden!!!!!!!!!
Is egg plant good. It looks delicous.
What a very fun back to school and birthday celebration. I can't wait to visit and celebrate you and those new things for the store. Of course I will be trying Shellie's cake recipe. Looks wonderful. Does she have a blog? She needs one too.
Wow!! All that food looks great!And getting the men to put it together....even better. I'm so sad to see summer end. But my kids are really excited to go back to school.
Yes, shellie has a few new blogs...I will put them on this evening. she does have the bright eyes foundation on the side bar, but she has a new art blog now.
I can't wait to see more Fall things!!!
Julie, your wish is my command! lol!
We should have glitter on Wednesday, will that work Julie?
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