Friday, June 13, 2014

Here a CHICK there a CHICK in spokane

 Just in from the fabulous FARM CHICK EVENT in spokane
There was a time you could get there at 7:00 a.m. and be at least #12 in line...but not now days! (and it's okay!) 

 Inside the door is always a display to set off the theme and invite you in...isn't this sweet, oops, I mean TWEET? (paper bags that look like a birdhouse).

 2 days of heavy duty shopping...seemed like a circus...but it was more entertaining and cost more than a circus!  Vendors phenominal with their goods flying off their displays. 

One of our favorite finds, industrial piece, have no idea yet what is original use was. Mr. roses went one way shopping and I went another, we met up once in awhile to see what each had to haul off to the trailer. We shopped the show 15 hours! I think we deserve and earned a prize, in and out we hauled vintage finds!

I always wish I had taken a zillion photo's but then I'd miss out on the "good stuff", shoppers are quick now days. 
I'll be back with more to blog about this show...need to go sort out which to keep and which to resell. 
We also did 4 other days of antique/and thrift shop buying...I'll try to take some photo's of what we're keeping and also what will be coming your way...
If you go to the farm chick website there are a few thousand photo's people did instagrams with there.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome Brenda and I just love's my old stomping grounds and we drive through often on our trips back home to Canada. Sounds like you had a blast. Be sure to let me know when you have your next open day in your shoppette! xoxo


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