Saturday, January 4, 2014

officially retired

Here's my man...standing at the door he walked in and out of for 24 years, officially over.

Officially over means he's had the big cake, the "roast" by his long time buddies, his # retired and name on a tie, phone turned in, thoughts written in a journal book, hand shakes and thank you's for your long service by the big guys that run the place. (he's enjoying not having a that's a little scary!)

Carl worked every holiday and weekend for those years PLUS the 17 years at ZCMI (same type schedule) in Ogden. I look back and think how did we do it? Well, it wasn't always easy and probably hardest on our they had to deal with their mother... alot!

He especially enjoyed his earlier days at the store...times were good, the guys would go out to "all you can eat" restaurants, or went for "sinkers" at Teddy bears, ABC mandarin in Roy he got them all hooked on his ABC house special pan fried noodles,he could eat the huge plate full...but now he takes a doggie bag, says he's just not the man he use to be!

Carl always came home happy and cheerful and that couldn't always be that easy being on your feet running all day, serving the customers that he did so well. I admire him for that. This last year wore on him needing a second back surgery. 

He has his good memories now...he sleeps in, does what he wants, and is enjoying no stress... holidays will surely be different at our home.

congratulations Carl!

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