Sunday, December 8, 2013

Part of Christmas I love...

 This is the time in Dec. a few weeks before Christmas that I's because the decorations are usually up, the main gifts have been purchased or on their way, and that means it's now time for fill-ins' for the special and thoughtful people in our lives we like to give a gift of love to.

 That's how we love to help you...all year we buy and prepare the shop for the gift giving season. It starts Jan...going to market to see what's new for the coming year...placing the orders and anxiously awaiting their time to come. 

Continues as estate finds are fixed up to bring in for a creative Christmas. For instance...have you thought to take an old sewing machine drawer and fill it with what the receiver would enjoy. Then it becomes a useful organizer or decor for them.

 I search high and low...meaning in boxes, garages, closets, and drawers for vintage ornaments. Never knowing what will be discovered. 
 We have handmades... rare to find in shops anymore... Or we have components to make your own. Lots of ribbons, wreaths, industrials.

 A recent "find" is this beautifully colored velvet board filled with antique post cards of the many seasons of the year. Nice paper art.

 You'll find figurines and pretty dishes priced so affordable you'll pick up plenty to help cross off your list.

Many many vintage linens,hankies... hand embroidered, with busy hands for their loved ones in their day, ready to be passed on to be loved again...reclaimed!

Once upon a time...all things vintage were special gifts at Christmas time.

p.s. for the best santa/elf...fbook brenda smith mower lindsay contact from there.

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