Thursday, November 7, 2013

100's of hankies. hankys. handkerchiefs. whatever

 While we still iron away at the 100's of hankies...newly acquired from a collector,
let me show you this one...a souvenier of France, in celebration of WW1 ending. Isn't it beautiful!

 If you'll click on you will find that susan, an English Professor in New Jersey and also an antique/vintage shop owner did some fun research on the history of hankies. hanky's. handkerchief's...whatever!

Apparently they had their beginnings in the year had them. So check Susan's blog for some interesting facts, also found on our bloglist.

Then... the kleenex marketing basically said "move over hankies, your full of germs" era began in the 50's.  So let me ask...what are your memories of
hankies. handerchief's. hankys?

I'll tell you mine on another day...we have furniture to refinish for the opening of Once upon a time Christmas Nov. 15th and a shed we are picking from.
(alot of that shed stuff will be for spring selling).
Wishing it was WARM or even hot.

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