Sunday, October 6, 2013

And the linens go to the highest bidder...

 A recent out of state auction I attended my purchases seemed to be an abundance of orange boxes filled with vintage linens.....You could say "I scored!" Here are just a few of the fall designs coming in this week.

 In all reality... it wasn't that easy...I was the highest bidder when it came to the vintage linens, and there were some "not so happy" women bidding against me...but I knew I had to do it for just a bed of roses customers...I just had too! So opening each box has been a wonderful suprise as I dig deeper to the bottoms. 
I have spent a week just sorting into piles, colors, designs, this will sell here, this will sell there sort of thing. And ironing. This collector was one of the best, she made certain when she bought the hankies (did I say there are OVER 400 hankies?) doilies, tableclothes, bedspreads...they were in the best of conditions, meaning crisp and beautiful. 

If you'll hang in there with me...they will be out for your purchasing soon. The main bunch will be at our Christmas
Event...Nov. 16-23  at the shop. Theme is just about ready to unveil..brainstorming gets us everywhere!

I will also be selling at the Acorn Antique show at the Weber county fair grounds Opens: Nov.2 and 3rd. I will have the holiday display booth as you walk in and also just to your left. Most items have not been in the shop that will be for purchasing.

Still 30% off everything thru Oct. 26th...then we close to prepare for our Christmas Themed event Nov. 16th.

We will be open thru Christmas every day in December just in case your wondering. The shop will be ready for a new owner Jan 1 2014... OR...we may just hold once a month events, all depends on the offers coming in.

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