Sunday, October 20, 2013

10 vintage treasures you can find...

 Christmas...dear St. Nicholas, our stockings are hung waiting you
to fill them this year. (especially with antiques, pretty please).

 Primitive, handmade horse and wagon...will need help pricing this piece we came across at an estate.

 Oh blessed Christmas are so vintage to me, wrapped in a vintage hand embroidered table runner. So far, there is only one available. More vintage florals are being created.

 Reindeer paws...vintage table cloths...many creams for your
dreamy white Christmas.

 Crinkly, wrinkly tea stained bundles of ribbon adorned with a
vintage style Christmas tag...for gifting or using. (many other colors will be available).

 Saved this one out especially for the Acorn antique show...tea towel...many tea towels will be available, make gifts bundled with other vintage goods.

 On the vanity side of things...remember grandma, she always wore the metal curlers for those tight to the head curls.  

 Pretty sure you have been looking for one of aqua heater. I should keep it...I'll hope one day I can find me one too.

 Hand painted ornies...and boxes of shiny brites will await your presence. You will love digging through them.

Last but not least...tiny hangers filled with vintage slips, dresses and doilies, isn't it wonderful these things were never thrown away.

I've had the funnest year collecting...and I can't wait for you to come shopping this season.

You'll find theses at Acorn antique show at the Weber county Fairgrounds Nov. 2 and 3rd. 9-6 Saturday. This is a BIG SHOW...and you will want to spend some time and bring money.

More on this later...I'll be back this week with 10 more vintage treasures, can hardly wait to show you.

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