Sunday, September 15, 2013

Faithful and OLD

Vintage photo of Old Faithful hangs in dining area at
the Old Faithful Inn. Do you remember when she blew
every 20 mins...I sure do. Now it's every 90 mins...but I love that she is still Faithful, and it's as if she is older not blowing the strength she once had. It's still a wonder.

Although a rainy day, not cold, this past weekend, she lacks not for an audience. People from all over the world still come to visit Yellowstone National Park. It's so beautiful this time of year, the nights turning crisp and nippy as you sit outside by the campfire. (and keeps you on your toes always watching that a bear doesn't decide to join you for S'mores!)

Her performance...that day, still something to be in awe of.
When your here you realize how good mother nature is to us and to the magnificent wildlife that roam the wilderness...excepting for the grizzly bear warnings and footprints next to the cabin we stayed at. We tried to stay at peace and enjoy natures gifts.(still...we wanted to return home with the same amount of adults and children)

The historical buildings are so well preserved. It's best to do some reading up to realize what a wonderful place you are visiting and the history behind it all. It still feels "the same" yet it changes as nature so naturally does.

 You want to see some bears? So did we, we found them in a natural setting (caged) in West Yellowstone (darn, cant remember the name but it's on the main road) The center had beautiful taxidermy bears and so much knowledge about grizzlies and black bears to learn about. Also the wolves. This is the bears finding their food, they hide it under big rocks and branches.

Not to forget the Great Horned Owl.

West Yellowstone has many places to stay and visit you may want to check it out. Most places up this way start their seasonal shut downs Sept. 21st. Then begins one of the largest places to snowmobile...and that's just not for me!

We stayed in a large rented cabin with my 4 children/partners and their 9 children at Island park. It was my first time there, very enjoyable. stayed away from tv. news. shop. work. phone...a real vacation! (okay there was dishes, cooking and plenty of noise, but not complaining.)

well I did complain once, but it got me into trouble.  

Carl and I took a day trip to Virginia city about an hour from island park...I did take some antique photo's to share. To a visiting  photographer...these places are a paradise of nature and lots of patina.

thanks for letting me share.

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