Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Antique wallpaper. old furniture. and a yard sale coming

Fleattitude Cathie sold me some sweet antique wallpaper
out of her suitcase. I didn't have a clue as to what I would do with it, but while cleaning my workspace it came to me to us it in a display as it matches my room. Isn't it precious! I also took an antique wooden frame and framed a piece, it's beautiful all on it's own. Don't you love how vintage colors are always so popular even now.

We are preparing for a yard sale at our home...weather permitting for next week...possibly a ONE DAY ALL DAY sale, POSSIBLY Thurdsay. (POSSIBLY, just means I hate comittment!) We have plenty of stuff to make it worth your while to travel to...and the prices will be just right.

This red chair came from an old estate, it's going to be sold as is, just in case you are decorating for Halloween soon and need something dusty and weathered. It's a heavy piece. I was always going to repurpose it...so don't let me think on it too long or I could change my mind.

Two antique oak rockers that are nice and solid...the leather on them also need a make-over...we don't have room to keep them...so we will be excited when they go to a new owner.

There will be tons of little odds and ends...all vintage.

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