Friday, July 26, 2013


Cabins are places where "eating" is the thing to do
Entertainment eating it's called.
If your longing for renting a cabin try:
get on their mailing list as they keep you updated
as to whats available and throw in details.
Only 19 mi. from Yellowstone.
They say early fall is wonderful there.

Best of show in Clinton by Jayna Rice.
she calls it "a canoe or two"
Jayna and her sense of humor!

Jayna was our altered neclace designer.
She moved on to Photography and goes on week-end
excursions with Jon Williams photography groups.
If you facebook friend Jayna Rice you will see her recent
"50 shades of green"
trip to Ireland 
 and week-end excusions through out Utah.
She has inspired me to bump that trip up on my
bucket list.
How could you not want to go after seeing
how she has captured Ireland.

She, her "sense of design" and her camera's
are the best combination.

The other end of town
It's not open yet...can't wait.
This building make-over is being
re-created in a BIG way by Cory Johnson.
(owner of Old school body shop in west haven)

He is an avid runner and amazing artist of metal and junk.
Inside you will have your breath taken away...
it's unlike anything you have ever laid eyes on.
It's a restaurant...of a different kind, but
more on that later
25th street Ogden
clear to the EAST END (by the mountain, you'll see it on the south side.
expect to be blown away.

This is cory, the one with the mousetail!
He is an AVID and I mean AVID runner.
I admire his get up and go, go go!

eat healthy when you can!

Not saying chinese food is that healthy...but if you are craving some...

We tried this new place out
it's located on the old highway (1900 w.) 
Marriott-Slaterville right before the light.
Food was excellent, cool inside, clean, attractive
priced just right and made fresh.
You can always head up North to the fresh fruit stands
in perry and make it a little outing .
There's always Smith and Edwards close by.

and that's some summer show and tell

Now back to Farmington...
we are open today

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