Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting ready for Fleattitude

By now vendors for Fleattitude market
have most of their Junque tagged...
I know we do.
To find some of the vendors a list is
on fleattitude blog on our blogs sidebar.

there should be all types of vintage paper.
empheria. sheet music.

Pretty sure there will be lots of stuff to fill your
Pinterest project needs...and more!
I am bringing over 100 probably over 200
pieces of vintage doilies, gunny bags $1.00 each
and nicer doilies
$5.00 each

neat crates are always abundant at flea markets,
we will have some too along with galvanized milk boxes.

Surely someone will be selling the best tablecloths...
I just purchased some...just gonna tell you I need them
for my tables, but you can buy them .
They're awesome!

I sure would love to find a roll or two of the
really old old wallpaper...
oh pretty please someone bring them!

keys...what will they think of next to make with them!
Pretty sure we have old keys boxed up to bring.

we have lots
also have a double space
When you walk into the main shopping area
go straight to the back and we are in the corner
on your left (east wall) by the side door.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be there! I'll be thinking of you from California. Mimi


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