Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Days of the week...what do you do with yours?

Alphabet flash cards
capital and lower case/two sided
love the giant clothespin clips too!
don't you?
Lavender florals, antique purple glass
colored pots for easter goodies.

Rusty iron wheelbarrows
cast iron Easter baskets
for spring... arriving.

vintage whites market
Last weekend at the state fairgrounds.
I have been waiting to hear from anyone...
what did you love?
I loved.
the chippy paint ladder in the first photo
(hey, I only had one hour to SPEND)

Photo above is sweet Lorraine and her daughters booth.
Since her husband is a contractor it was so Neat...framed and covered
in chicken wire with a large architectural piece as header and twigs.
Filled with Vintage pieces... I am sure she had a happy ending!
Lorraine is a member of the Beehive Art group.
Displayed Perfectly
Congratulations Lorraine!

among my favorite things this week:
Green smoothie girls PLANT BASED Protein arrived.
I ordered all three flavors since she has a sale
buy 2 get one free.
On a scale of one to ten
it's a 10.
This is ultimate healthy.
I make no money on this...just sharing the joy!

Speaking of JOY...
Over the week-end my dad had an emergency...
meaning emergency room visit & over nighter at the hospital.
He is home and stable...but now we have pacemaker issues.
The day of his emergency (because the emergency was at night)
 he insisted my sister find a slide projecter and screen.
(15  plus chest pains and did't think to tell us about it.)
They found one on ksl.com instantly...MEANT TO BE, for sure.

among the multitude of 50's and 60's slide show:
This is my mom's oldest sisters girls
Connie. Gayle and Nan on grandma's porch.
( I just did a blog post about grandma's front door last week)

They are with their daddy here.
I have a little granddaughter who has my middle name JEAN and I'm pretty sure
my oldest son will agree we are twins!
p.s. this was in the late 50's and the only pouty photo I saw of myself.
we watched home slides... hour upon hour
and I don't think I have seen any of us laugh and be so happy like that
for a long long time!
If someone is sick or elderly
what a great idea...to pull out of the boxes all their memories.

7 days
what do you do with yours?
clips will be in the shop

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