Monday, January 28, 2013

Resiliance... recover quickly from set backs, elasticity to spring back into shape after being
stretched. To recover quickly from illness, change, misfortune, ability to cope with stress.

Do you like this R word?

Being that we are in another big Utah storm I dusted off my Leslie Sansone's "Walk away the pounds" 4 mile aerobic walk workout video, I've now walked 8 miles in the bedroom... hoping to recover quickly, spring back into shape, what else is there to do in weather like we're having?

If we were as talented as the miss Lisa Bingham from Blue and shoe...then we could write about things that "really matter", to make you laugh and probably cry... it reminded me of Resilience in young love...and then in eternal LOVE. And why it's so much easier to say "I do" at 20 than 60.
a must read.

Please be careful in this weather.

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