Tuesday, December 11, 2012

a humbling time

Don't you love the Christmas season...

it's the time to give monetary gifts and our time.
I spent a fun day buying Christmas gifts for all my little grandchildren
3 little monkeys shop was happy with us today!
(and I was sure happy with  them
crossed off some cute girl birthday presents too).

Joni had a special week being by her beautiful mothers hospital bedside,
 out of state, giving the comfort only Joni could give.
(her mother is progressing)

We lost an inlaw this week suffering from cancer.
It doesn't ruin Christmas
it makes it special because we feel closer to Christ.

In todays newspaper I saw an article about a lady named Annette Smith
from our Farmington.
They need help.
Annette and Randy are parents of 4 children
sarah 19 andy 17 Ben 13 Leanna 10
Annette has been hospitalized since Oct. she's now home.
One day her immune system suddenly attacked her nervous system,
called Guillain-barre syndrome, quickly left her without the ability to turn a page,
sit up, get out of bed, walk.
Sometimes this can take a year to get in control.
She needs a van with a wheelchair lift.
I know you can read between the lines on the kind of help
a family would need in this situation.

Randy has been custodian for the Davis County Sheriffs office
and attorneys office.
The are organizing support for this family, you may contact:
801-451-4120, Davis county Sheriffs office.

I'm sure this season is finding you too
with many opportunities to serve those in need.

a humbling time

(all photo's from our pinterest boards)

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