Monday, November 19, 2012

The Giving season challenge...

Challenge yourself to give

starting TODAY

thru New years Day,
let's just see
how poor we are!

Anne Frank your words live on
and inspire.


A few years ago I was prompted
quite heavily to give a large family
a decent amount of cash.
A family I REALLY admire
 but I don't know them.
I did not follow that prompting
for dumb reasons I suppose
and it has always bothered me.
This week I am prompted again...
they are expecting child # 10
good enough reason isn't it.
Heading to the bank TODAY

follow your promptings...
have no regrets,
lets have our VERY BEST "giving season"
this year and make
Thanksgiving and Christmas
what it's suppose to be!

today I did my giving and PREPARED for more...sent a package to a favorite friend and her daughter who 
It's Dixie and Annie
I mention this because everyday Dixie sends
a special saying or thought to me and her friends thru email, and Annie, I love that she makes me laugh,smile, tear up with her photography talent and shares her life on her blog.
aways and forever you two!

There were a few SIMPLE things that
touched me today:
The barber raked my leaves,
*A LONG story short, THAT was BIG.
(don't even make me go into this story!)

I took a shopping cart back into the store
(instead of leaving it in the lot)
and a lady coming into the store thanked me,
how nice of HER.

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