Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dreaming of a White {and Healthy} Christmas - Guest Post

Now that your bellies are full from Thanksgiving you may be experiencing turkey remorse or hoping you can stay healthy in time for Christmas to roll around. I know I can count a couple of times where I've been sick on Christmas day and it's because I didn't take care of myself by eating right, exercising, and taking time to relax when I know I'm overdoing it. I admit it's really easy to get sucked into the craziness of the season and if you don't take time to take care of yourself before and during the holidays you'll find yourself becoming run down and sick. So how do I rejuvenate myself during the holidays so that I can gear up for my perfect white Christmas, which includes fun activities with my family, shopping events, and traveling? Here are some simple ways that I've applied to my lifestyle that help me through the holidays and all year round. 

One way to stay healthy is by taking vitamins on a regular basis. I'm not talking once a week - I'm talking once a day with a multi-vitamin or individual vitamins depending on what your body needs (I take extra Calcium vitamins because I'm allergic to dairy). Vitamins not only help you stay healthy, but they keep your body strong and ready to fight off bugs should they threaten your body during the winter. is a great site to stock up on your vitamins and order them online - it has everything from vitamin C to glucosamine. That way on Christmas day instead of fighting an ugly cold, which I did when I was in High School (not fun), you'll be smiling! Not to mention you'll be full of vibrant good health thanks to proper nutrition (don't think that vitamins are a substitute for good health though!) and vitamins that help improve your daily living. 

Are you remembering to sit back and relax? I for one am guilty of getting wrapped up (ha ha literally) in staying busy, wrapping presents, and forgetting to enjoy Christmas time. It's easy to want the best looking house with pretty decorations, the best presents for kids and grand kids, or to simply fall into the "let's stay busy" mentality. However, the reality is that Christmas comes and goes and you need to enjoy it while it is here! If this means slowing down the pace and really enjoying it, then make time to do so. Go shopping and sit down for a bit and enjoy the Christmas tree at the shop. Take your kids to a park with lights. Eat more dinners in and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Believe me, this is what will get you in a holiday spirit; not focusing on decorating and staying busy (even though that is fun too)!

Another way I stay healthy during Christmas time is by exercising. Oh I know how easy it is to stay inside where it is warm. I find myself very addicted to my fireplace in Utah! However, this isn't going to keep your body in tip top shape either mentally or physically. Your body craves exercise whether you choose to believe it or not and when you're cooped inside due to having a foot of snow outside your door - it's okay to shovel and take off to the gym for a quick workout - your body will thank you for it. Plus you'll feel a lot more healthier and proud of yourself! 

So I hope you have a very merry and white Christmas. Don't get discouraged if you often would like to ditch the diet and not exercise during the holidays - believe me it's tempting I know! The reality is that you'll feel a lot better that you made the extra effort to stay healthy during the holidays while still enjoying everything lovely that comes with having a white Christmas. Have fun decorating and soaking up some Christmas memories, while maintaining your health and your sanity! ;)

Sierra is a freelance writer and blogger at Ocean Dreams. She loves dreaming of a white Christmas while staying healthy simultaneously.

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