Friday, September 7, 2012

typing away...

tap tap tap
just a note to tell you
Savanger Hunt Monday is coming
there will be lots of vintage
that may go well with... 
Lots of organizing totes
industrial style
(photo's to come)
dont wait till then
promises you will find the shop
filled with neat PROPS
for your fall decor.
You would almost think
we are a
PROP shop!

working on...
All hallows eve in the Historic Sycamores
looking for more
old farmington photo's
although we have some great ones.

Don't you find it hard to come inside
at night with this beautiful perfect weather?
my 10 year old grandson and I 
decided to ride our bikes around the country block.
We got  1/3 the way around
and we both had flat tires.
(for some reason I thought we had
puncture proof tubes, duh).

Ended up walking bikes
and getting mosquito bites
we gave ourselves two smiley face
stickers on the calendar,
well earned!

At the shop...
the back room now is for marked down items,
 good deals.
This area will be added to daily.

The 3/4 off leftovers went to a yard sale
in syracuse for Saturday.
address: 2602 S. 575 W.

tapping off ...
see you soon

(photo's from pinterest because I haven't
had the time to download the camera)
thank you pinterest!

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