Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Industrial vintage COMPOSTING

Our metal 1940's chamber bucket acts as
the composting collector in the kitchen.
Since eating mostly RAW these two buckets fill up fast.

We have built two homes and have never had a
garbage disposal on purpose...don't laugh!
It all goes to the compost pile to enrich the garden soil.

The small galvanized bucket goes under the sink.
Usually lined with newspaper or a bag.

Are you feeling a bit like this right now?

Yard, garden, working, collecting, organizing, cleaning out,
vacations, meeting up with friends, re-doing, taking care of children or parents?
Sit in the sun with a refreshing healthy drink...
you'll feel like this wonderwoman again
remember her?

(recently purchased from an estate)

It will all come together
Stay healthy or get healthy!

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