Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a sign

Did winter come today?

It's our new sign

Healthy foods...
Get rid of your Cannot believe it's
not butter and try Coconut spread, it's good on anything you put butter on...slightly addicting!

Almond milk is a dairy alternative
my favorite
(and I've tried some others).

Pure olive oil
and whole wheat

Warm yourself up with buckwheat pancakes this weekend.
Organice Maple syrup is an alternative to using sugar,like anytime your use to using a spoonful think maple syrup or honey.

Sweet potato's are healthy too.

It's good to always have a big bowl of brown rice in the fridge.
Good sweet, salty or even with
the coconut butter.
 breakfast. snack.dinner.

Love this's Bragg Liquid Aminos all purpose seasoning.
A natural soy sauce alternative
"must have"
Now you have a few more basics.
(these all came from wholefoods
store at trolly square).
These foods do not cause
cravings. They fill you up and your good to go!

She...couldn't help herself...
(meaning YOU)
 found herself at
Just a bed of roses
inspite of Winter!

1 comment:

  1. Love how the sign(s) turned out Brenda and especially love the newest one - looks great!!


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