Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Patina style is about experiences of the things we own

Suzanne Gibbs Taylor, the creative director and associate publisher at Gibbs Smith publishing
 sent me this gift today.
I adored reading about the authors vision
of what Patina style is.
Come in and enjoy my copy
You may want your own.
(Love this )
Introductory page:
Life isn't about the things you own but about the
experiences you have with them. Patina Style embraces the LIFE in things.
In the shop now
Primitive wooly brown 
"chimney socks"
with tiny sheep pin
fill-up with EARTHY goods
would be appropriate
don't forget to put an orange in the toe!

Santa pins with golden tinsel
adorn mini burlap crown stamped bags
favor gifts
Just a little something from you.

Rustic iron Bird clocks
Scallopy rustic trays would make
presentation of a beautiful loaf of Christmas breads
a useful gift.
new big arrival of rusty/rustic today

America's Statue of Liberty
in New York
is what comes to my mind when thinking
Patina style.
We took a ferry out to walk around her greatness
just last week
my...what a thrill.
So nice in real life to see and feel.

Ellis Island
where immigrants first landed.
A film showed us the procedures I thought were
scary and horrific
thought provoking.
It would cost a person $25.00 to be shipped
and would take sometimes two years to earn/ save that
amount of money. My husbands mother worked 2 years
after arriving from Holland to pay hers off.
If a person were sick on arrival they were shipped back.
We need to be grateful and appreciative
dont we.

This was the grand room which they were
lined and hearded in for their papers like cattle.

My love for antique trunks, wicker suitcases
really took a liking to this amazing display as you walked in.
All earthly possessions tucked inside.
We have my husbands mothers wooden trunk.
I will never look at it the same again
after visiting Ellis island.

Another treasure...
Eating lunch at Ellis island
my 5 yr. old granddaughter digs right into her pizza
She loves food like her grandpa.

Her life...a gift of Freedom and sacrifice
 from her great grandmother Martha
who ventured with 11 siblings to America from Holland.


  1. Great Post Brenda....makes you think especially this time of the year. XO

  2. Hello Brenda!

    I'm so thrilled to have our book, Patina Style, as part of your beautiful post. Yes, this time of year reminds us to be thankful for all of the gifts in our life.
    Although my great grandparents did not come through Ellis Island, they were immigrants from Russia who came here to give their families a better life. I am so appreciative of all of the sacrifices they made for our happiness.
    Thank you for creating a post with such an important message.

    Brooke Giannetti

  3. Love that patina style for sure. Looks like you had a great time in NY. Would love to go someday. Our ancestors really sacrificed a lot to come to this country and so many of us take it all for granted. Need to come see you soon. When I get my alowance! Mimi


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