Friday, May 6, 2011

It's fun...365 swap party

Invitation to the semi-annual 365 odds and ends swap
truely it was odds and ends...RANDOM is my word...
THAT was the theme...JUST LOOK AND SEE:

Guests with their emails signed in on a monster huge chalkboard
standing like a fence in the backyard.
Note the tree with glued on blossoms of paper.

Whimsy Cupcake business treated us to the most unique delicious cupcakes
from their shabby aqua counter.
You'll find their blog and other participants blogs if you'll go to these blogs:
(I believe it was her home, the hostess)

I was just there at cultivateyou and started reading jen funks blog , grab a kleenex BOX
a heartfelt blog...will not give her story away... can't wait to go back when time allows me.
It makes me appreciate my husband/my business partner, my guy who fixes, redo's
carrys 1/2 my load most of the time WITHOUT complaining
 He could and should complain, trust me on that one, it's been 38 years of selfless what can I help Brenda with next!
You'll find new creative blogging friends for sure!
Paper plate balls, garlands, banners of MANY types were EVERYWHERE
not kidding one bit
Quite entertaining
Quilts and old tableclothes draped over rope for backdrops

Here is studio 5 waiting for "365 swap" guests to arrive.
(approx. 50 guests)
This is as you entered the backyard...wooden boards painted brightly
with a wall of doors. Large Bench may as well say "welcome, come and be
cozy with old and new friends and swap your stuff for theirs!"

Vintage bicycle with basket of flowers and tricycle are
the door greeters!

Here is a close-up of the most divine cupcakes
all the food containers unique, whimsical, thrift store finds.
Made the food look and taste better!

This is new to me...appetizers in plastic cups with the dip right in the bottom,
just add your picnic like and for once the weather was perfect!
Meant to be girls, you chose the right date.

Antique piano served as a candy counter
lots of odds and ends here, you could fill your bag as you left the swap.
We had the funnest eclectic name tags I have ever seen.

Antique linens were cheerful and seems nothing was
meant to match

Here is Becky Stratford making/ setting out the food.
Becky thank you for inviting Christa and I, we had an amazing time and you
were having a riot...not hard to figure that out!

Becky made her garland from odds and ends of cut books, hot pads, s&h green stamp pages,
large and small records, lots of non matching ribbons.
Each hostess created a unique garland for the outdoor decor.
The chairs you will note...non matching, not a one.

As you can tell...this is just some of the decor...have not shown all the tables that were
for placing your swap items or explained or shown the items and how it works nor the
GUESTS...well, I must have put my camera in my purse when all those swap goodies stared showing
up and I could clip my name on them with a clothespin.

What I will do is add links to some guests who certainly took other photos, their own version,
and tell you that next thursday on studio 5 this swap will be featured.
Hope you enjoyed and were inspired
you may want to do one with your friends!

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