Thursday, May 19, 2011


Not a's time to make lemonade out of lemons...meaning TOO MUCH RAIN...good grief!

   For the first time in 4 1/2 yrs. of shopkeeping there has never been time to spend longer than 1 hour in a day to clean out the back room.

   This week I have been organizing all those boxes of vintage, one of a kinds etc. holiday.
Due to LOTS OF RAIN...too much right!

   THIS SATURDAY THRU WED. we will have one heck of a SALE. Those back room items will be priced at 1/2 off and lower, some even $1.00 each.
   INSIDE THE SHOP...we will sell at 25% off!
Excluding some consignment. Some pieces have simply been marked on sale.
          A sale NOT to miss!
This sale will include any new merchandise that has arrived and still coming in.

Note...WE ARE CLOSED TODAY THURSDAY. Open Friday, even though rainy to finish getting ready for our ESCAPE SALE!
Escape for whatever reason you need, and we'll see you soon!

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