Friday, January 7, 2011 word of the year

Margie R. Aslett pops into the shop every now and then,  she is a creative paper designer and when I want to see what she is up to I check out her blog:
She choses a WORD each year and many of her Peeps join got me thinking that I need a WORD TOO for 2011  
  Pretend the drum roll here....

Events of last year may have been helpful in chosing why this word really spoke out to me.
Yes I know... we put to rest last year and start a new.
Still this IS the word with last year gone and a better person for it.

Something I need to always be mindful UNDERSTAND.
Ways I can be thoughtful...UNDERSTAND ing.
Many times for reasons unknown I don't know how to UNDERSTAND.
Lots of times I really get it...I UNDERSTAND!

I UNDERSTAND lots of reasons I do things and then sometimes I don't.
I try to UNDERSTAND my husband and children, sometimes confusing?
My uncle who died suddenly last year which I thought so unreasonable...but I will find ways to UNDERSTAND it while his family makes some grueling changes.
I must UNDERSTAND that trials can make me grow.
I LOVE what I do each day, this I understand to a large degree.
UNDERSTAND...To grasp the meaning of.
To not UNDERSTAND AT ALL and it's still okay.
To grasp the reasonableness of his/her behavior is sometimes hard to UNDERSTAND.

To show a sympathetic or tolerant attitude toward aging parents.
I don't UNDERSTAND how this is suppose to work.
You should read the book to UNDERSTAND what is going on.

In my business it's a word that is always there.
Think about it in YOUR life.

I know that this year I will try to be more aware of this word in my daily experiences and maybe
it will help build my character.

How about you, do you have a Word?
What word would you chose?

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