Monday, January 17, 2011

It's ALL as sweet as it can be...this time of year

Ahhhh....there's no place like being home
when it is Home Sweet Home

Chocolate jewelry
JUST LOOKS yummy enough for eating

ADORING more Big pearl  & crystal rings neclaces & bracelets

Little girlie purse designs for our mini shoppers

P.S. hoping to show more and because I was using my "not so great" camera
will need to retake.

Come see all the "adorables" Joni has put together for this
romantic season, isn't she amazing,
I jump with suprise everytime I spot something she has brought,tucked in
places here and there!

New DELICATE scarves and the beginning of our jewelry lined up for this season
being priced and displayed.

It's all sweet as it can be

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