Sunday, April 11, 2010

It isn't costly...

A poem by Edgar Guest.
Jeni had a great idea and did a good deed
it was to dig out all the antique books hidden away
in our back room
to enjoy!
Does the grouch get richer quicker than 
the friendly sort of man.
Can the grumbler labor better than
the cheerful feller can? 
Is the mean and churlish neighbor any cleverer
than the one
Who shouts a glad "good morning," and then
smiling passes on?
Just stop and think about it. Have you ever
known or seen
A mean man who succeeded, just beccause he
was so mean?
You can bet he didn't win them just because
he was a grouch.
Oh, you'll not be any poorer if you smile along
your way,
And your lot will not be harder for the kindly
things you say.
Don't imagine you are wasting time for others
that you spend:
You can rise to wealth and glory and still pause
to be a friend.

We are Romantic to Rustic
here at the Rose
Where you can always expect the unexpected
in vintage decor and gifts

A romantic paper doll...dressed in 3 D paper design
Created by my daughter Shellie
for an art class at the University.
(Wish window pictures turned out)

Welcome Friends anytime...
hoping to see you this week

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