Tuesday, December 15, 2009

VISITING THE ELDERLY ..a.FULLFILLING GIFT to both the giver and the receiver

This afternoon we visited an elderly couple we love, the woman has become bedridden in past months.
It was a  reminder to me as to what the elderly could use this time of year and I wanted to pass it on.

The days are very long for them, they could use a short visit that reminds them they are always in our thoughts and prayers and also shows we respect them.

The winter can be gray and dreary...bring them something BRIGHT and CHEERFUL, we did the traditional fruit basket, and we noticed gifts of RED poinsettias, a LIVE amarilis growing an inch a day and what a great conversation piece for them. A history of their community BOOK. The womans bed was in the frontroom and it faced the window where she could look at the two BIRD FEEDERS someone placed in the window...nature is wonderful entertainment. CAROLING would bring such peace to someone bedridden . Maybe a pretty pillowcase, blanket or nighty. Something special for the caregiver. A card of love and encouragement. It does remind me that growing old is not for sissys.

There were several years as a family we would do the 12 days of christmas to our many elderly neighbors, we had so much fun leaving gifts at their doors at a different time each day, knock on their doors and run...I'm not sure we ever did let them know who it was. Priceless memories with our children.

It was a happy moment to find this book at Deseret book for one of my grandsons. He is at the age where he is trying to figure out what life is all about. At the end of each story the parent and child can talk over what was being taught in the story. Impressed with this book, excited to give as a present.

What gifts ideas have worked for you this year? I especially loved HARWARDS blog of making  20 homemade chocolate cakes for neighbors...you must visit her website on my bloglist. I didn't know there were 20 houses in Becknell Utah...OOoPS...just teasing Julie H.!!! Your going to see us all moving to Becknell!

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