Tuesday, December 22, 2009

CHANGE OF HEART... Lessons Learned from a High school Senior about the TRUE SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS and it will never be the same for me

 Just a Bed of Roses blog visitors, customers and friends...this is MY CHRISTMAS SERVICE STORY:

Viewmont High does a fundraiser every year for an underpriviledge school in N. S.Lake called Guadalupe.

 Being a new transfer student I was unaware and probably wouldn't have gotten involved if I didn't have friends who were interested. We went together for the first meeting and I immediatly got SO EXCITED!
It seemed like an amazing opportunity with some specific requirements. I had to attend 3 collecting nights, one which we froze to death going door to door for donations, raise $100.00 on my own and attend all meetings. It was more difficult to raise the money than I thought. I procrastinated and almost gave up, but my parents, wise as they are gave me fifty dollars so I could reach my goal. they knew it would be a worthwhile experience and that I'd work to earn it over the holidays.

When the day came to go shopping, I was astonished to find out we were meeting at K-mart at 5 in the morning! I still endured, knowing the outcome would be worth the 2 hours of sleep I sacrificed. The next morning we were given our assignments, mine was a girl named Brisa, I  had her sizes and she wanted a petshop toy. I did my best to use the money wisely and stayed after school to wrap the presents.

DELIVERY DAY... excused from high school at 8:30  and with my bag of toys I piled on the bus. I was nervous as I was afraid Brisa wouldn't like what I had picked out. . The bus pulled into a small parking lot, the smell wasn't pleasant, halls were small. We met in an activity room which is smaller than the average class room. We met the Principal, whom gave us a big hug and thank you and we were sent on our way.

BRISA is a first grader and so adorable. Her eyes lit up as soon as she realized I was the one with her toys! She was shy at first but really began to open up towards the end. She held my hand and showed me around the school, one classroom per grade. Her English was slightly difficult to understand but we had alot of fun together. She loved her gifts and was was SO HAPPY!
We sang carols afterwards with the other children and the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS was really beginning to shine.
I was disappointed in my friends who had FLAKED OUT early in the process. As I sat in that small room, singing "Away in a manger", I began to accuse them of being selfish and inconsiderate for not thinking more of these young children than themselves. But who am I to judge? They just chose to miss an amazing experience, one that will change how I feel about CHRISTMAS  FOREVER.

It's amazing how humbling it is to have a glimpse into an unfortunate life. I want everyone to remember to jump on opportunities like that. The knowledge it will give and the gratitude it will create in you is worth more than you can even imagine.
Remember the SAVIOR this Christmas and SERVE! And I just want to thank you  Brenda and Shellie for being such powerful examples of wonderful people. You two honestly amaze me. Thank your for sharing your experience with me, I have learned so much just being a small part of your life. I love ya....LOVE GALORE,

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