Thursday, November 12, 2009

A great man...

We were saddened this morning as Carl read the obituaries to me that a great man we had known since 1976 had died suddenly from a heart attack. From North Ogden, Tom Murray married to Judy, at the age 61. It said he died riding his bike with his dog.
About 30 years ago Carl and I were escaping to Hawaii for 17 days, thats quite an escape and well needed, having 3 small children at home we had fears if something happened to us both who would our children go to?  I'm sure you can relate to this subject.
We had a will made up with them as guardians as we think they are just super people and parents. Luckily for us both we raised our children and they raised theirs.
Tom also worked for Century 21 Gage Froerer and we were an associate with him for 4 years. He did many other things in the home construction business and had a lovely family and a strong testimony of Jesus christ and lived what he believed. We love and respect this family and want them to know our heart breaks too.

For funerals I had been giving the Mormon Tabernacle Choirs cd Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. We called our friend in the choir and asked if there was one more appropriate. He said the best tape in his opinion is "Consider the lilies of the field"...when I read the songs...its perfect and should be healing for those who lose a loved one. Just passing this information along in case you too can be at a loss as to what to send for a funeral or you need a change.

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